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About us

We are a small country church with a BIG Faith in Jesus Christ. Our congregation is woven together with deeds of kindness, love and prayer. If your looking for a permanent church home or just visiting for the season this is the place for you. No overbearing bands and big electronic screen to follow. Just a hymnal, the Holy Bible and some good preaching. Jesus said come as you are.

You are the Heart of the Great Commission

Every time you drop a dollar in the offering plate of a church that participates in the Cooperative Program, you help someone hear the story of Jesus. That person may live on your Main Street, in Miami, Milwaukee, Malawi or any point in between. When given through the Cooperative Program, your gift reaches from your home across the globe. By giving through the Cooperative Program, a portion of your dollar empowers the fulfillment of the Great Commission in Florida, the nation and world. Your gift mobilizes a mission force of more than 10,000 persons serving throughout the nations, and places you at the heart of the gospel.


How, you may wonder?

Consider the great commission a personal directive from Christ to: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:19

Our church voluntarily sends a percentage of our regular offering to the Florida Baptist Convention. The state convention retains a portion for ministries, missions and evangelistic efforts in the state. Another portion is then sent to the Southern Baptist Convention, which distributes your money to the international mission board, North American Missions Board and six seminaries.

So you see in a very real sense, your dollar carries out the very directive Jesus gave to His disciples when He said “you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes to you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8  

Through your gifts, you are partnering with other Florida and Southern Baptist to provide a gospel witness in your hometown - Jerusalem; your state – Judea; and  your nation – Samaria and the world.

© 2016 by Crewsville Bethel Baptist Church

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